Frequently Asked Questions


How much will this cost taxpayers?

If Proposition A is approved by voters, the average home in Kendall County would see an estimated maximum annual increase of $27 per year or just $2.25 per month.

how will the money be spent?

Proposition A is designed to purchase land or conservation easements that will protect water quality, and preserve natural areas and open spaces within Kendall County.

If Proposition A passes, Kendall County is under legal obligation to spend bond funds on the types projects specified in the ballot language.

How do bonds work?

If Kendall County voters pass Proposition A, the projects will be paid for by “general obligation bonds,” meaning bonds will be sold to investors backed by the full faith and credit of the county’s excellent AA bond rating and paid off using county property taxes.

Why should i vote for Prop. a?

Kendall County is such a special place to live, in part, due to the natural areas, clean water, wildlife habitat, and open vistas. But Kendall County is growing and developing too fast. Investing in conservation now to protect our water quality, last remaining natural areas, and wildlife habitat before they are lost to development forever will help preserve the Kendall County we love.

Why do we need Prop. A passed now?

Kendall County is one of the fastest growing counties in the United Stated and our last remaining undeveloped natural areas and wildlife habitats are disappearing before our very eyes. Unfortunately, due to a lack of dedicated funding for land conservation, many important natural areas have already been lost to development.

We must vote FOR Proposition A now to preserve Kendall County’s natural areas, protect the Guadalupe River and our drinking water, and maintain our Hill Country heritage.

How is the tax rate calculated when calling a bond election?

The property tax rate is composed of two parts: the Operations and Maintenance rate (O&M) and the debt service rate. The debt service rate is set in order to generate the revenue necessary to make the county’s payments for tax-supported debt.

Bond debt can be compared to a home mortgage that is repaid over time, while O&M expenses are like the daily household expenditures that are paid for immediately, such as groceries. Like buying a house, major projects, such as parks, libraries, or — in this case — conservation lands, have a long useful life, so their cost is spread out over many years and paid for by current and future citizens who use them. The debt is typically financed over a 20-year period.  

When voters approve bond propositions, the county does not issue all of the debt immediately. Instead, debt issuances are spread out over several years according to the annual spending needs of the bond program. By monitoring the annual spending needs and not issuing all the debt at one time, the county can keep the debt service tax rate more stable from year to year.

For more information about how this is calculated by financial advisors, click here.

have there been other similar bonds?

In 2004, a $5,000,000 bond was passed, resulting in three county parks and a well functioning county parks system. The parks created as a result of those bonds are Joshua Springs Park, James Kiehl Riverbend Park, and Kreutzberg Canyon Natural Area.

Kendall County can amplify the success of the 2004 bond by passing Proposition A this November.

who can vote?

Any resident of Kendall County who is registered to vote can vote on this bond. You can check your voter registration status at

When can i vote?

Prop. A will be on the ballot November 8, but early voting in Kendall County will begin October 24.

Not sure if you are registered to vote? Click here to find out.

Or if you’re not yet registered to vote, sign up at October 11 is the last day to register to vote.

For information about your local polling places, click here.

How can i help out?

Our campaign needs volunteers like you to help us get over the finish line. Join our campaign by filling out the form here!